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Cryptocurrency Cashback from LS.NET.RU in Russia: Save and Earn!



up to 5.54%
subject to rates and conditions
confirmed and credited on average within 29 days

How it works

Click on the "Get Crypto" button and we will redirect you to partner's website where you can place your order as usual. After confirming the order, we will reward you with cashback that you can withdraw to your cryptocurrency wallet by choosing any of the popular cryptocurrencies


  • Placed order on the website New client - 5.54%
  • Placed an order on the website Old client - 2.77%
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Cryptocurrency Cashback from LS.NET.RU: Save and Earn!

LS.NET.RU offers a diverse array of clothing for every occasion, ranging from casual wear to formal attire. Their extensive selection caters to individuals of all ages, genders, and style preferences. Whether you're seeking trendy streetwear or timeless classics, they've got you covered.

When you shop with LS.NET.RU through our cashback service, you not only enjoy access to high-quality apparel but also earn cryptocurrency cashback on your purchases. This means that with every transaction, you're not just investing in your wardrobe but also building your digital assets in the form of cryptocurrency rewards.

At LS.NET.RU, your loyalty is rewarded with cryptocurrency cashback through our platform. So, indulge in your fashion desires knowing that with each purchase, you're not just enhancing your wardrobe but also growing your cryptocurrency portfolio. Shop with confidence, knowing that LS.NET.RU and our cashback service have your best interests at heart.