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Cryptocurrency Cashback from Flynas in Canada: Save and Earn!



up to 0.33%
subject to rates and conditions
displayed on the balance within a few days

How it works

Click on the "Get Crypto" button and we will redirect you to partner's website where you can place your order as usual. After confirming the order, we will reward you with cashback that you can withdraw to your cryptocurrency wallet by choosing any of the popular cryptocurrencies


  • Paid order - 0.33%
  • Paid order mobile app - 0.33%
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Cryptocurrency Cashback from Flynas: Save and Earn!

We are delighted to offer our users the unique opportunity to earn cryptocurrency cashback when booking flights with Flynas. This airline has established itself as a reliable partner, providing a wide range of services and conveniences for travelers. They offer competitive rates on flights, as well as additional services such as seat selection, extra baggage addition, and insurance purchases. By making a reservation through our service, you save money and earn cryptocurrency cashback, which can be used for future travels or exchanged for fiat money. We value the trust of our clients and are constantly working to expand our list of partners to offer even more opportunities for savings and earning cashback. Travel with comfort and benefit with us and Flynas.